
“Immagini per Diana Baylon” on Late Junction BBC Radio 3

Last tuesday on Late Junction, BBC Radio 3, Fiona Tarkington played one track from Teresa Rampazzi’ Diana Baylon.
Listen again here: – BBC Radio 3 – Late Junction, Fiona Talkington with Sam Lee.

The programme stays up on listen again for one week. Enjoy!
Fiona Tarkington gives a beautiful introduction to the piece which starts at 1’18’ and the piece begins at 1’22’20”.



IMMAGINI PER DIANA BAYLON (1972) in The Wire: Adventures in Modern Music

Louise Gray gave Teresa Rampazzi’s album IMMAGINI PER DIANA BAYLON (1972) a terrific review in the September Issue of The Wire: Adventures in Modern Music.
Teresa Rampazzi – IMMAGINI PER DIANA BAYLON (1972): new Die Schachtel album. Project by: Laura Zattra / Produced by: Fabio Carboni, Bruno Stucchi / Digitization and Digital Archiving: Sergio Canazza / Mastering: Giuseppe Ielasi / Design:


Immagini Per Diana Baylon: preview on Soundcloud


As with the spellbinding Musica Endoscopica, this issue of Immagini Per Diana Baylon – one of her three known soundtracks for art installations – helps to place Teresa as Italy’s answer to Daphne Oram; that is, a pioneering female experimenter operating in a male dominated field since the ’50s, and an artist/musician/technician who was magnetically drawn to the emerging possibilities of analogue electronics (although she would also expand into computer composition as soon as the opportunity arose).

Here is what says about this new issue I curated in collaboration with Die Schachtel []. Remastered from the original tapes, foil-blocked metallic print jacket with fold-out insert of liner notes and photographs.

You may listen to some excerpts on Soundcloud.