
Teresa Rampazzi: sound creations and co-creations as a meeting place between art and life

Laura Zattra will discuss in PADOVA with Marta Previti and Maddalena Rizzi of women who, starting from Padua, have left a strong artistic mark in Veneto, Italy and the world.

Laura will address how Teresa Rampazzi revisited the idea of creative place, from the home, to the collective, to the conservatory, to the university, in her talk “Teresa Rampazzi: sound creations and co-creations as a meeting place between art and life.”

MEMORIA e RIUSO dal 15.05 al 03.06 2024

Complete program here.

The Microfestival second edition builds on the outcomes of the Interior Design Workshop held by Silvia Codato with the collaboration of Davide Cecconello and Elisabetta Gabrielli in the second year of the Bachelor of Product Design, Visual Communication and Interiors at IUAV University of Venice.

MIC_24_flyer_def_blueprint_e240425 MIC_24_flyer_def_blueprint_e2404252

Goethe Institut, Rome: 22.3.2024

Teresa Rampazzi, 1955 ca.
Teresa Rampazzi, 1955 

Evento in occasione del passaggio di consegne della responsabile della Sezione di Storia della Musica dell’Istituto Storico Germanico da Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort a Vera Grund — Veranstaltung anlässlich der Amtsübergabe der Leitung der Musikgeschichtlichen  Abteilung des Deutschen Historischen Instituts von Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort an Vera Grund

Conferenza Teresa Rampazzi ed altri pionieri della musica elettronica in Italia


Armando Gentilucci, nel primo libro italiano (1972) dedicato alla musica elettronica, riteneva che i lavori di Pietro Grossi, Enore Zaffiri, Vittorio Gelmetti e altri fossero “applicazioni generalmente molto immature” rispetto a quelli realizzati allo Studio di Fonologia di Milano. Negli ultimi 20 anni la musicologia ha dimostrato che con i loro ‘centri privati’, Grossi (1963), Zaffiri (1964) e Teresa Rampazzi (1965) hanno introdotto nuove pratiche − la collaborazione, la didattica, l’unione con le arti visive, la ricerca tecnologica e informatica, la notazione − che hanno profondamente influenzato la scena successiva e continuano a farlo. L’incontro ricostruisce tali esperienze e presenta i nuovi metodi di studio necessari a ricomporne la storia, con particolare attenzione per l’opera di Teresa Rampazzi, raro esempio di donna pioniera della musica elettronica italiana.

Programma della serata: https://www.goethe.de/resources/files/pdf322/20240322_programma-sezione-musica.pdf

Laura Zattra talks about Teresa Rampazzi at the SoundMit event

Il video dell’intervento di Laura Zattra dell’11 ottobre su Teresa Rampazzi è visibile al link seguente: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sek8tl1hmSQ

Grazie a Johann Merrich e a SoundMit per l’invito.






8 March 2019: Teresa is a WoMuTe hero!

We are pleased to announce that in celebration of the last International Women’s Day, TERESA RAMPAZZI has been nominated one of the most prominent technological and musical pioneers. This is an important recognition for her work in the early days of Italian Electroacoustic Music.

The other women/heroes in music tech (WoMuTe) are: Ada Lovelace, Laurie Anderson, Margaret Schedel, Liz Phillips, Laurie Spiegel, Delia Derbyshire, Hilde Marie Holsen, and Holly Herndon.

See here ath the following link, the Award Description and all the 9 women heroes’ biographies: http://wonomute.no/2019-03-08-international-womens-day-womute-heroes/




The Junghans Watch


This is a picture I took last week at the CSC – Sound and Music Computing Group – UNIPD in Padova.

The Junghans Watch was the one owned by Teresa Rampazzi. She and her teammates at the N.P.S. used it to synchronize every manual operation they needed to create an analogue electronic music experiment, an ‘oggetto sonoro’ (‘sound object’).

The ‘oggetti sonori’ were reminiscent of Schaefferian “Traité des objets musicaux” (Rampazzi was at the GRM in Paris and she had a copy of the Traité autographed by the author), but they were intended to be an evolution, and in fact they were purely synthesised, not concrete.

Laura Zattra

The NPS Group (first phase: 1965-1968). Teresa Rampazzi wears sunglasses.

Teresa Rampazzi in the last issue of Positionen n. 114 “Heroines of Sound”

I just uploaded the full text of my new article on this site!

Laura Zattra (2018), “Sie war ihrer Zeit voraus. Teresa Rampazzi, eine wichtige Komponistin elektronischer Musik in Italien”, Positionen. Texte zur Aktuellen Musik, n. 114 “Heroines of Sound”, pp. 9-11, ISSN: 0941-4711.

Enjoy the reading.


The NPS Group (first phase: 1965-1968). Teresa Rampazzi wears sunglasses.
The NPS Group (first phase: 1965-1968). Teresa Rampazzi wears sunglasses.

Positionen n. 114. New article by L. Zattra


Out Now! The first article in the German language devoted to Teresa Rampazzi is presented in the latest issue of Positionen. Texte zur Aktuellen Musik, n. 114 “Heroines of Sound” (2018).

The article by Laura Zattra is entitled “Sie war ihrer Zeit voraus. Teresa Rampazzi, eine wichtige Komponistin elektronischer Musik in Italien”.


Other articles:

Bettina Wackernagel, Never Stop Questioning • Ingo Techmeier, Heroines of Sound – das Festival • Laura Zattra, Sie war ihrer Zeit voraus. Teresa Rampazzi, eine wichtige Komponistin elektronischer Musik in Italien • Helen Heß, Alltagssinfonien und Sternenmusik. Else Marie Pade – dänische Grand Dame der elektronischen Musik • Monika Pasiecznik, Fehlende Herstory. Die Komponistinnen der neuen und elektronischen Musik in Polen • Julia Mihály, Vokalperformance. Eine One-Woman-Show • Bettina Wackernagel/Helen Heß, Heroines of Sound • Julia Eckhardt, Art has no gender but artists do • Beatrix Borchard/Elisabeth Treydte, Genderforschung in der Musikwissenschaft. Eine (kritische) Bestandsaufnahme aus zwei Perspektiven • Ricarda Ott, MUGI: Musikgeschichtsschreibung mit neuem Blick • Katja Heldt, Feministische Aufbrüche in der zeitgenössischen Musik • Gisela Nauck, Gender Research in Darmstadt. Ein Interview mit dem künstlerischen Leiter der Darmstädter Ferienkurse Thomas Schäfer • Claudia Tittel, Magnetic Attacks. Christina Kubischs Arbeiten mit elektromagnetischer Induktion • Cathy van Eck/Gabrielle Weber, Nachdenken über Klang … • Elena Ungeheuer, Toward a »Space-As-Shared-Sonic-Practices Turn«. Gedanken nach der Dubliner Konferenz Sounding Out the Space • Jürgen Krebber, Archiv des IMD online