
Teresa Rampazzi: sound creations and co-creations as a meeting place between art and life

Laura Zattra will discuss in PADOVA with Marta Previti and Maddalena Rizzi of women who, starting from Padua, have left a strong artistic mark in Veneto, Italy and the world.

Laura will address how Teresa Rampazzi revisited the idea of creative place, from the home, to the collective, to the conservatory, to the university, in her talk “Teresa Rampazzi: sound creations and co-creations as a meeting place between art and life.”

MEMORIA e RIUSO dal 15.05 al 03.06 2024

Complete program here.

The Microfestival second edition builds on the outcomes of the Interior Design Workshop held by Silvia Codato with the collaboration of Davide Cecconello and Elisabetta Gabrielli in the second year of the Bachelor of Product Design, Visual Communication and Interiors at IUAV University of Venice.

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8 March 2019: Teresa is a WoMuTe hero!

We are pleased to announce that in celebration of the last International Women’s Day, TERESA RAMPAZZI has been nominated one of the most prominent technological and musical pioneers. This is an important recognition for her work in the early days of Italian Electroacoustic Music.

The other women/heroes in music tech (WoMuTe) are: Ada Lovelace, Laurie Anderson, Margaret Schedel, Liz Phillips, Laurie Spiegel, Delia Derbyshire, Hilde Marie Holsen, and Holly Herndon.

See here ath the following link, the Award Description and all the 9 women heroes’ biographies: http://wonomute.no/2019-03-08-international-womens-day-womute-heroes/




Teresa Rampazzi at the Chalton Gallery in London, March 02-10, 2019

‘What time are you performing tonight?’
OPENING: Friday, March 01; 7pm
Chalton Gallery, 96 Chalton St, NW1 1HJ, London

‘What time are you performing tonight?’, an axhibition curated by Caterina Gobbi, is dedicated to four composers that have shaped the development of early electronic music in Italy: Teresa Rampazzi, Daniela Casa, Ingrid McIntosh, and Maria Teresa Luciani. Their sounds find their way into the exhibition, so do bits and pieces of their histories – or rather what is left of them.
A small publication brings together contributions by Claudia AttimonelliFrances MorganNina PowerSalomé Voegelin, Andrea May, and Laura Zattra.

More info in the Facebook event


Frances Morgan [http://www.multimadeira.com/project/frances-morgan/]

Pioneer Spirits: New media representations of women in electronic music history

“Pioneer Spirits: New media representations of women in electronic music history”. A great article by Frances Morgan in the current issue of Organised Sound, Vol. 22, Issue 2 (Alternative Histories of Electroacoustic Music) August 2017, pp. 238-249. Teresa Rampazzi is numbered amongst those composers previously “either ignored or thought to be marginal […]. Some media representations of the female electronic musician raise concerns for feminist scholars of electronic music history. Following the work of Tara Rodgers, Sally MacArthur and others, [Frances Morgan considers] some new media representations of electronic music’s female ‘pioneers’, situate them in relation to both feminist musicology and media studies, and propose readings from digital humanities that might be used to examine and critique them”.

You can read the complete abstract here.

Frances Morgan is Deputy Editor of The Wire, former editor of plan b magazine, writes the Soundings column for Sight & Sound and is a regular contributor to this publication and to Electric Sheep. A member of the Wire Soundsystem, she will DJ the very wide selection of exclusive material, past, present and future.

Frances Morgan [http://www.multimadeira.com/project/frances-morgan/]
Frances Morgan [http://www.multimadeira.com/project/frances-morgan/]

Teresa Rampazzi on women and music (Happy International Women’s Day 2017!)

Teresa Rampazzi on Women and Music.
She was not a feminist and she did not recriminate sexual differences in the artistic world. She once said: “just as there are many women who have a demanding profession, the same is true in music […]. Unwittingly I risked compromising my musical interests when I got married. But they were much too important for me” [Teresa Rampazzi in interview with Luisa Galanti: L. Galanti, L’altra metà del rigo. La donna e la composizione femminile oggi in ItaliaImola,Grafiche Galeati, 1983, p.66].
If someone asked her if there is a feminine way to make music, she answered: “absolutely not. There is neither male nor female music. There are pieces composed by men which seem to be composed by a woman and viceversa, if by ‘feminine’ you think of something sweet, elegant, delicate. But a woman can be as vigorous as a man, or even more!” (Ivi, p. 72).
Download Teresa’s bio here: L. Zattra, “Teresa Rampazzi, Pioneer of Italian Electronic Music” (2003).
Teresa Rampazzi in her studio in Bassano del Grappa, early ’90s (photo by Gianni Di Capua).